Crickets and grasshoppers are also very high in magnesium. They offer higher levels than even spinach and 3x more than salmon.
Edible insects are a real animal protein that include all nine essential amino acids; they’re a prebiotic fiber (nutrition for probiotics), very high in antioxidants, a perfect Omega 3:6 balance, high in B12, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, magnesium, and more. Insects are also a very bio-available food source.
We consider insects as a survival food and the food of the poor. This attitude is harmful because we shame cultures in to avaoiding insects as food even though it is a readily available high-nutrition food source available to just about anyone anywhere.
Despite our unwarranted cultural adversity, it makes sense to add insects to our diets for health reasons, cultural reasons, and to reduce pollution, deforestation and the inhumane treatment of livestock.